What's happening now?

  • First off welcome! I'm Will, I make music and graphics for video games and you'll find all about that here at 706Gaming.org.
  • We've released two streaming shows which I hope you'll check out. I'm currently working on the music and visuals for The Game Jammer's Jam EP2.
  • Q2 2023 will see £400's next album "American Mystic" which will feature an interactive component courtesy of 706Gaming.
  • I've had a bad run of teams not submitting anythng, so I've spent the past six months or learning Unreal Engine and will hopefully debut as a solo dev soon!




Take a 20 minute break from the highs and lows of life and tune in to a cosmic mashup of video game music.

Click here to learn more.




The Rabbit Suite is a great place to start if you're new to music for videogames and 706Gaming.org!

Click here to learn more.




If you're trying to track down a specific track or just want more direct access to the music here at 706Gaming.org, you'll find it here!

Click here to get started.

Will's Blender Portfolio

Sometimes a game-jam game is just too special to really let go of. You can explore those games here.

Click here to learn more.