The Cloudolin

Listen to "Tiles of Doom (Song)"

After Chiptune, the very next thing you'll need in your Game Jam arsenal is some kind of RPG Fantasy music maker. I've been playing these games since, well since they came out basically. So here's a simple, easy to use Combi that gives you the two primary ingredients of any good RPG score: Guitars and Violins. That's right, the Cloudolin is a synth that blends Reason's rather nice stock Mandolin with a "fantasy" string of my own concoction. If you're in a rush and you need a lead instrument for a fantasy RPG, you'd be well advised to play with this for 5 minutes to see if it fits your bill.

The sample is from my very first game jam game, Tiles of Doom. The Cloudolin is the lead instrument up to and through the entrance of the metal guitar.